an itemized log of your purchases
Please make a feature where you can go bak and see what you signed up for on which days. For example: hot lunches - it would be helpful to be able to go back and see what days you signed up for. With multiple hot lunch days and multiple kids, sometimes, its necessary to go and see what which days you have hot lunches. If this feature already exists, its not obvious.
This feature is currently available, but it depends on how the event is setup by the school, you can only see the options you chose when the event is listed under the accepted tab, the event moves from the accepted tab to the unavailable tab after the set "End Date" of the event. The Events are often set by the office staff to start and end on the first day of the event, if instead they set the start and end date to the end of the month, the event would stay in the accepted tab until the end of the month and you could see the options you chose up to the set "End Date"
Please use the Help/Contact Us section of to submit a request and let us know which school is creating the event, we can contact them to update their practices.
Thank you!